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Wisconsin School of Massage Therapy

Copyright © 2024 Wisconsin School of Massage Therapy. All rights reserved.
Wisconsin School of Massage Therapy
N112 W15237 Mequon Road Suite 400
Germantown, WI  53022

Want to learn more? 
Why not try our:

Introduction to Massage Therapy

Tuesday July 23 5:30-7:30pm

$25 due the day of class.

Text/call or email Manda to register: 
[email protected]

Give us your name and telephone number.  
Bring a set of bed sheets (flat, fitted, and pillowcase)

Learn about the field: education requirements, licensing, job possibilities. Try out hands-on practice by learning a basic back massage. Use professional equipment and get real guidance from an expert! Find out if you might want to become a Wisconsin Licensed Massage Therapist.
Just an aside here:

If you are worried about the job market, don't!  

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics states, "Employment of massage therapists is projected to grow 22 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. Continued growth in the demand for massage services will lead to new openings for massage therapists."  
The Department of Veterans Affairs has classified massage therapy as a "high-demand occupation" and reclassified it as a program which qualifies under the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program
Message from the Director 
Manda Johnson
​Have you noticed the natural health movement?  More and more people are beginning to take charge of their health.  They are seeking quality nutrition, more movement, and real healthcare.  Massage therapy is proving to be an important part of this growing demand for natural solutions to health problems.  It is satisfying to have the professional skills to help people grappling with musculoskeletal pain, range of motion restrictions, stress-related disorders and more.

At WSMT we are excited to get our next classes off the ground.  You can join us and become a professional massage therapist in as little as 10 months!  You can be in the driver's seat for this wonderful work once you complete your training and obtain your state license.  We're here to help you make your dreams come true.  

Here's a quote from one of our recent graduates about the work she is now doing:  

"Working as a massage therapist I get to come in contact with so many people with so many different stories of defeat and victory. It’s nights like these, when I get to hear parts of their journey, that I’m floored, humbled, and honored that I get to share in this part of their journey. I absolutely LOVE my job. I love my clients. I love that I get to share God’s love, even if it’s not verbally. Today was beautiful."      Reanna, 2019 Graduate

Are you ready to realize your professional dreams of helping others to get healthier through massage therapy? Our next professional training class will begin soon. Check out our calendars so you can find the schedule which works best for you. We offer a complete basic program in  10 or 14 months! You will be amazed at how fast you can have an exciting new career (or steady side-job!)

Or maybe you are not quite ready. You don't feel that you have enough information. Then maybe you want to join one of our Introduction classes. Check out the information at the right. Try your hand at real massage work, coached by a real expert! 

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